In business a poker face can be very useful 生意场上,不动声色会非常有用。
She managed to keep a poker face. 她一直努力板着脸。
Seeing her poker face, we can hardly tell whether she's angry or not. 看到她的扑克脸,我们实在很难分辨出她到底是不是在生气。
My boss is a real poker face. 我老板就是张扑克脸。
Say nothing. Sitting there with a poker face or a quizzical expression, in absolute silence, is sometimes a good way to communicate that what someone just said or, in this case, how loudly he said it is offensive to you, Cohen notes. 科恩表示:一言不发地坐在那里,脸上面无表情,或者带着揶揄的表情,是一种很好的方式,可以表达出某人所说的话或者大声叫喊的说话方式令你感到厌恶。
As David once put it, You have the opposite of poker face. 大卫曾说你和扑克脸孔正好相反。
Counting cards and the poker face. 会数牌和摆扑克脸。
I don't think I can pull the poker face to make it work! 我不认为我可以拉无表情,使其工作!
I never know whether my boss likes my work or not& he is a real poker face! 我从来也不知道我的老板到底喜不喜欢我的工作。他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。
Look at her poker face, she's playing it cool. 你看她的扑克脸,她在装酷。
The singer of hits like "Bad Romance" and "Poker Face" has said the theatrical show will be "more of a musical and less of a concert". 拥有《糟糕的浪漫史》、《扑克脸》等热门单曲的LadyGaga还表示整个演出将充满戏剧色彩,“与其说是一场演唱会还不如说是一部音乐剧”。
People with a "poker face," whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression, are looked upon with suspicion. 那种带着一张「扑克脸孔」的人,他的情绪隐藏于毫无表情的面容下,会被别人以怀疑的眼光看待。
He always keeps a complete poker face. 他老是一副死板板的面孔。
Keep a Poker face in business situations. 要保持一种办现公事时一本正经的神态。
She concealed her strong emotions behind a poker face. 她一副面孔毫无表情,可其背后却隐藏着强烈的情感。
He maked a mistake but he is a real poker face. 他犯了错但他却若无其事。
She came into the office with a poker face without greeting anybody. 她摆著一张扑克脸走进办公室里,不跟任何人打招呼。
A poker face never shows any emotion, never expresses either good or bad feelings. 一张扑克脸从来不会显示任何情感,从不表达好或坏的赶紧。
I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death. 虽然我吓得要死但还是极力保持若无其事。
Practice your poker face; don't let them see you sweat. 学会喜怒不形于色,别让别人看出你愁容满面。
Let him get to know your poker face. 让他知道你的牌面。
He can put a poker face on, lie through his teeth if you like. 他能不露声色,让别人不知道他作甚么。
He maintained a poker face. 他一直面无表情。
He maintains a poker face and you can't even guess what he's thinking. 他板着面孔,你甚至无法猜测他在想些什么。
He wore a poker face during police questioning. 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。
He kept his poker face, not even his eyelids stirred. 他脸上毫无表情,甚至连眼皮也不眨一眨。
Like an excellent poker face. 比如说不露声色的表情。
He always has this poker face. 他一直都是喜怒不形于色。
Keep calm, keep a poker face and proceed methodically. 保持镇静,不要露出任何表情,继续有条不紊地干下去。
Until you learn to keep a poker face, you don't come in here anymore. 除非你能做到若无其事,否则你再也不要来这儿。